
黄金直播室 2024-04-03 19:55:34



期货投资回报率 = (期末资产价值 - 期初资产价值 + 期间收到的现金 - 期间支付的现金)/ 期初资产价值






期货投资回报率是评估投资者在期货市场中表现的重要指标,投资者可以通过计算和分析回报率来评估自己的投资表现,指导未来的投资决策。在进行期货投资时,投资者需要谨慎分析市场,制定科学的投资策略,灵活应对市场变化,以获取最大的投资回报率。Investment return formula for futures (how to calculate futures investment return rate)

The return on investment in futures is the measure of the profit that investors obtain in futures trading. It is a method of measuring investment performance by calculating the return rate of investors in the futures market. In futures investment, investors buy or sell futures contracts to profit from trading in underlying assets (such as soybeans, gold, crude oil, etc.).

The calculation of the return on investment in futures is very simple. It is calculated by the following formula:

Futures investment return rate = (ending asset value - beginning asset value + cash received during the period - cash paid during the period) / beginning asset value

In this formula, the ending asset value is the value of the assets that investors own at the end of the futures market, the beginning asset value is the value of the assets that investors own at the beginning of the futures market, the cash received during the period is the cash inflow obtained in the transaction, and the cash paid during the period is the cash outflow in the transaction.

Through this formula, we can calculate the return on investment in futures, and evaluate the performance of investors in the futures market. Investors can judge whether their investment strategy is effective and whether they need to adjust their investment portfolio based on this indicator.

The return on investment in futures is affected by many factors, including market conditions, investor trading decisions, market risks, etc. When investors engage in futures investment, they need to carefully analyze the market, formulate scientific investment strategies, and flexibly respond to market changes to maximize investment returns.

In addition to calculating the return on investment in futures, investors can also choose the most suitable investment method by comparing the returns of different investment products. The returns on different investment products may differ, and investors need to choose the investment products that best suit their risk preferences and investment goals.

In general, the return on investment in futures is an important indicator for evaluating the performance of investors in the futures market. Investors can evaluate their investment performance through the calculation and analysis of the return rate, guiding their future investment decisions. When engaging in futures investment, investors need to carefully analyze the market, formulate scientific investment strategies, and flexibly respond to market changes to maximize investment returns.





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